Weight Inclusive Nutrition Counseling for Eating Disorders and Intuitive Eating
Hi! I’m Alyson.
Whether you are recovering from an eating disorder or chronic dieting, I’m passionate about supporting you in letting go of the stress around eating. Together we will start to define what overall wellbeing means to YOU.
Through one-on-one nutrition counseling, I work with individuals and families who are struggling with their relationship with food. I use an individualized approach rooted in the principles of Health at Every Size® and Intuitive Eating.
Learn more about me and my approach here.
How do you know if nutrition counseling is a good fit?
You spend the whole day thinking and stressing about food.
You or a loved one was recently diagnosed with an eating disorder. You’re unsure where to start and looking for support.
You feel like you’ve tried every diet out there. Yet you feel more confused about how to eat than ever before.
If this sounds like you - you are in the right place.
Healing your relationship
your body is possible.